Applications of Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling in Nanomedicine, Food Safety and Human Health Risk Assessment and Roles of Artificial Intelligence (AI) Approaches in these Areas

ScitoVationNews, Webinars

In this presentation, Dr. Zhoumeng Lin introduces how we develop physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) models of drugs, environmental chemicals and nanoparticles for applications in nanomedicine, food safety, and human health risk assessments. He presents his recent studies to illustrate each application. Dr. Zhoumeng Linalso introduces a new physiological parameter database for PBPK modeling in food-producing animals, including cattle, swine, sheep, …

Clinical Pharmacology During Pregnancy Book Cover

Upcoming Book Release: Clinical Pharmacology during Pregnancy, second edition, September 24, 2021 


by Jeff Fisher   Edited by  Donald Mattison   Lee-Ann Halbert  I was the senior author of one chapter in the newly released textbook, “Clinical Pharmacology During Pregnancy, second edition.”  Coauthors on the original research publications include scientists from the US FDA, Duke University, and Proctor & Gamble Corporation.  The editors were Dr Donald Mattison and Ms. Lee-Ann Halbert.  Dr Mattison, a physician/researcher has been a strong advocate of computational methods in the field of toxicology throughout his distinguished career with a focus …

brown beverage

New publication investigating mode of action for high-dose effects of 4-methylimidazole

Patrick McMullenBlog

by Patrick McMullen We are pleased to announce our most recent manuscript, A systematic approach to evaluate plausible modes of actions for mouse lung tumors in mice exposed to 4-methylimidazole, published in Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology. 4-methylimidazole is a ubiquitous compound present in foods that undergo thermal browning (i.e., Maillard reaction) processes. The work described here—a combined effort of investigators from ScitoVation and ToxStrategies supported by the American Beverage Association—aimed …

A graph showing value of KMD

The Importance of using Kinetically Derived Maximum Dose (KMD)


KMD allows for design of in-life experiments that are not confounded by non-linear effects, including saturation of absorption processes. This results in a data package that is more easily interpreted because of its increased relevance to human exposures.    by Jeff Fisher For those who design repeated dose, subchronic and chronic animal toxicity studies, this concept may be an additional responsibility for you.  Gone are …

Damaged DNA

Discovery of a new mechanism for genetic change: Exitron splicing implications for carcinogenesis


by Michael Black   Carcinogenesis, or the process of transformation of cells to a cancerous state, often is associated with aberrations in messenger RNA splicing. Removal of introns in pre-mRNA is an essential step in normal cell processing of mRNA prior to transcription of a peptide from a final mRNA transcript. Alternative splicing of pre-mRNA gives cells the ability to regulate multiple final mRNA products from a single gene, adding diversity to the …

3D heart

New Approach Methodologies for Environmental Cardiotoxicity Testing


by Marjory Moreau Recently I attended  a webinar on “Cardiac toxicity Evaluation with a human tissue-engineered model” by Kareen Coulombe, professor at Brown University. I am still blown away every time I hear Dr. Coulombe speak on this subject. In addition to being an excellent speaker, the work she and her team are doing is incredible. I recently wrote a blog on the brain and all its complexity because the brain is not an organ I had worked …

Descriptive words blog

The Need for Increased Maturity in the Risk Assessment Ecosystem


by Dr. Jean Orelien Last year, the US EPA declared they would phase away from animal testing by 2035. Reaching this milestone will require the maturity of the risk assessment ecosystem. By maturity, I mean new roles need to be assumed along with improved interactions and (stronger) bonds within and between group as well as new entities. In this post, I share a …

representing 3D liver models

Exploring In Vitro 3D Liver Models: Complexity Demands Different Needs


by Aarati Ranade Every time we perform an experiment with hepatocytes, I am curious to see how the culture looks over time after plating the cells. I carefully place the cell culture plate under the microscope. I carefully observe through the microscope eyepiece. The transition from round cells to formation of flat, hexagonal cells with one or two prominent nuclei with cell borders nicely touching each other to form a carpet-like monolayer …

Alternatives to Animal Testing

Toward More Efficient Safety Testing Through Development of an Internal Threshold of Toxicological Concern


by Alina Y. Efremenko One of my memorable moments when I was a teenager was my family’s trip to the Grand Canyon. That was my first experience riding a horse. I begged my grandfather to come with me, and reluctantly he agreed. I asked him why he disliked the idea so much and he said, “No one asked the horses.” …