3D heart

New Approach Methodologies for Environmental Cardiotoxicity Testing


by Marjory Moreau Recently I attended  a webinar on “Cardiac toxicity Evaluation with a human tissue-engineered model” by Kareen Coulombe, professor at Brown University. I am still blown away every time I hear Dr. Coulombe speak on this subject. In addition to being an excellent speaker, the work she and her team are doing is incredible. I recently wrote a blog on the brain and all its complexity because the brain is not an organ I had worked …

Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic (PBPK) Modeling of Central Nervous System


by Marjory Moreau, Ph.D. I have worked in PBPK modeling for many years and until a few months ago, I never had to deal with the brain compartment. Well, I had a brain compartment in several of my models, but I never really thought about the blood brain barrier and all the transporters involved in protecting or bringing compounds into the brain until recently. I …